The Project’s Outputs
Indicators & Measurement Criteria for the management of apprenticeships
This output presents a list of indicators and measurement criteria based on specific inputs, processes and outputs for the management systems for apprenticeships in Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic, including all documented and informal processes for apprenticeship-management, surveys done among students, employers and PHE institutions and data collected from best practices (national and EU).
It served as foundation for the work conducted in the project to produce the rest of results described in this page.
All the Aprenticeship Management state of Art analysis results leading to the definition of these indicators and measurement criteria are accessable from the section “Understanding the State of Art”
Technological Methods to Strengthen Management of Apprenticeships
Should the processes of apprenticeship-management be conducted entirely manually, it would be extremely time consuming and inefficient, especially were such processes to be conducted at scale. Thus, we will use roadmapping to propose a meta-data standard, ontology and a set of interlocking technologies which would allow for automatic exchange of information between VET institutions, SMEs and students.
The resulting documents are accessible from the section “Technological Methods proposed to Strengthen Management of Apprenticeships” or using the buttons below.
Course on Apprenticeship-Management
Apprenticeship-management isn’t only about the tools, but about the competences of the persons involved in management of those apprenticeships. A custom-course for SMEs has been designed and implemented, covering the following topics: key features of apprenticeships, integrating placements into strategic workforce planning, gaining the support of colleagues and senior managers, finding the right provider, drawing up an apprenticeship agreement and employment contract, managing, mentoring and supporting your apprentice, assessing performance, integrating apprentices into your workforce.
All course materials are available since the end of August, 2020. You can access them from the section “Course on Apprenticeship-Management” or using the buttons below.
Tool-Prototype for Management of Apprenticeships
This tool will have the following components: management of identity, apprenticeship design, recording details of placements, assigning and documenting learning activities during placement, feedback & evaluation, assessment and reporting, as well as database of final credentials.
You can access the tool using the button below. If you are interested in its source code or installing the tool in your institution, please visit the section “Tool-Prototype for Management of Apprenticeships”
Test and Validation of the Course and Tool by stakeholders
A set of seminars as part of the Course on Apprenticeship management brought together partners and stakeholders for a half day workshop-style online meeting, during which the contents and tool were evaluated based on (a) overall utility (b) potential impact on the further improvement of apprenticeships management at companies.
Those seminars took place from September 7th, 2020 till the end of October, 2020. The joint analysis of evaluation can be found here and the results for each country are accessible from the buttons below.