Course on Apprenticeship-Management (Czech version)
The AppT consortium has created a custom course for Small and Medium-Sizes Enterprises (SMEs) specially dedicated to mentors, which covers the following themes: key features of the aprenticeship- management; integrating placements into strategic workforce planning, gaining the support of colleagues and senior managers, drawing up an apprenticeship agreement and employment contract, managing, mentoring and supporting your apprentice, assessing performance, integrating apprentices into the company workforce.
This course had been designed and implemented following a Learner centred pedagogical approach and last for 42 days.
Regarding its contents, Module 1 refers to the preparation and planning of the apprenticeship by mentors, Module 2 refers to the actual performance of the apprenticeship and its running and Module 3 refers to the completion and evaluation processes after the apprenticeship is over. Next we list all contents in English
Next we list the Czech version of the course. You can access each module contents clicking in their titles: